So, I’m now fed and watered after today’s activities. And I gotta say I had a good little day. Me, JC and the appropriate ladies joined us in a little adventure to the middle of Staffordshire in the name of fun and Alton Towers.
Aside from me and Lady E turning up at 9 after having planned for traffic and then finding none, and unfortunately the JC car finding that traffic most successfully what with them having the booking form; meant that me and E sat outside the front of the gates for over an hour and a half. Ca la vie.
But it was good times once we managed to get in. Managed to get a good few rides whilst dodging the showers, getting drenched in queues, thunder and lightening closing Air and Rita, sun, sweat, lunch, showers, queue for 65 mins for the Pinball Wizard-esque rollercoaster after it broke, more rain, etc.
Low point. Went on Oblivion, came up on the other side of the plunge and got an eye full of dirty water dripping off the soil from above the ride, making for a humorous photograph but a lot of pain.
My personal favourite moment of the day included having 35 mins til the rides closed and jumping on the Oblivion queue. Sat on Oblivion 17 mins. Off Oblivion 14 mins. Run to entrance 12 mins. Get on cable car 11 mins. Get off cable car 7 mins. Run onto Nemesis. Get onto the last train of the day on the front row as the heavens open. A truly spectacular experience to have nothing but sky and water rushing past you.
Chinese for tea, after a comedy moment of overtaking on the A50 by JC. Enough said.
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