Morgan H. Bye, PhD

The ineptitude of Virgin Media

Thank you Virgin Media for once again proving how crap all of your employees at your call centres are trained on the systems on which they work. I’ve received a wonderful letter off a, how would we call them, a “debt recovery service” saying that I owe the 46 odd pounds. This annoys me for several reasons: Being charged £46 - £30 as a cancelation charge (because I didn’t give them at least 30 days notice, £16 for the remaining service as I didn’t hold the account for a full 12 months (because they couldn’t deliver the stupid service to me when I requested it, instead pissing about for a month) After arguing that the £46 was a bit of a joke, I asked whether I could just pay the amount then and there on the phone.

Debt, bills, and frightening life speed

It’s been a funny old week this week. Not only am I disturbed by how quickly it seems to have disappeared, but just how quickly life seems to be racing past as a whole at the moment. If I’m not careful I’m going to blink and I’ll be 40 before I even knew what happened. So, I’ve currently got an incapacitated girl friend at the moment. In her wiseness just as she was about to drive down here from Manchester, she realized that she’d forgotten the satnav and went back into the house to get it.

15677 days left to retirement

Well today is week 6, thus day 30 at UEA. And I gotta say that I’m a bit bored by the whole thing. Thus far I haven’t really done anything that I would consider to be work. Yes, I’ve built a website and a file server but I’m glad to see that a solid science degree leads to me passing the time by working on IT. Probably much to the annoyance of JC as I’ve probably done enough IT stuff to make him seriously jealous; as his supposed IT job is seems to be nothing more than a glorified printer tray refiller and mouse connector.

A teasing end to summer

Today you join me on my iPhone outside the cinema waiting for 2 rather large bounders to turn up so we can watch district 9. Whether it’s any good is anyones guess but lady E tells me that it’s actually quite racist to the Nigerians. Making it right up Canny’s street then really. Anyway, today was spent split between the seaside town of Sherringham and the picturesque market town of Holt.

Winter's closing in

I know it’s a sh!tty day, but I’m going to jump on the bandwagon just like everyone else. The weather is terrible at the moment. And I think, what with the relatively naff summer that we’ve already have, it’s fair to say there goes the end of the summer. I’ve already got the coat out. But the good news is that my house is water-tight this year, and the wind doesnt ravage it either meaning that I can sleep safe and warm.

Problems galore

To those that actually read this thing I find myself apologising again. The last week has been riddled with problems for the website. For whatever reason the host decided that it would be a good laugh to have try to redirect to which would be fine if they’d told me in advance so I could have changed the blog settings. Unfortunately they didn’t, so my blog was spread across the 2 addresses, meaning that none of the features worked and I couldn’t even log in to save my databases.